22 April 2016  Ah, so you've come here to learn the mysterious art of steeping. If you thought it might be a complicated process and not worth the hassle, then worry not! Steeping is actually just the process of leaving your e-liquids alone for a while before vaping them, in order for the flavours to properly come out. Much as you'd leave a fine wine, or an oak-barrelled whisky for several years in order for the flavours to 'mature', so you leave your e-juice. What, you just buy whatever's on offer at Tesco? Sacrilege! It's not too late to change your ways - the road may be 'steep', but it'll be worth it in the end. |
3 Comments22 April 2016  I love to love, but my baby just loves to vape. If some people are to be believed, though, this pastime is more harmful to your health than smearing yourself with honey and jumping into the bear enclosure at the local zoo. It can't all be true though, can it? The answer is no, it probably isn't. Some of the anti-vaping sentiment comes from scaremongering stories, and while no one's claiming that vaping is completely harmless (or at least they shouldn't be), it certainly seems like a comparatively safe option when weighed up against the alternatives. There are certainly some side effects of vaping, though, which are detailed below. |
22 April 2016  You've seen them on the streets - strange, mythical contraptions that puff out sweet-smelling vapour. Maybe you actually use them yourself, but you're still not sure how vapour cigarettes (e-cigarettes, e-cigs, vapes, personal vaporisers) actually work. So how exactly do these devices work? Well, read on to find out exactly what's inside your e-cig! |
22 April 2016  Buy liquid. Ignore liquid. Remember liquid. Enjoy. Forget mods and advanced mechanics – behold steeping, the vaping experience that favours the lazy! |
22 April 2016  You've started vaping, but naturally, you still have a few questions unanswered. One of these could well be how does vaping affect cardio? We all know that smoking does you no favours with regards to exercise and sports performance, limiting your cardiovascular fitness. Yet vaping is so different from smoking that it doesn't necessarily mean that they both affect your body in the same way. |
22 April 2016  Yes. But only in a good way! |
22 April 2016 Sugar, spice and everything nice? Or snips and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails? What exactly little boys and girls are made of remains a mystery – and for many, the same goes for electronic cigarettes.As is the case with food, cosmetics and anything else which makes contact with your body, it’s important to be aware of the ingredients in e-cigarettes so you can make an informed decision as to whether vaping is right for you. |
21 April 2016  Here. Right here. Vape Mountain. How may we help you? |
21 April 2016  The personal vaporiser takes three main forms - the e-cigarette, the vape pen and the vape mod. The former two are named so on account of their shape and size: the e-cig resembles a traditional cigarette, whilst the vape pen is chunkier and pen-shaped. Pretty self-explanatory. But what the fog is a mod?! Read on to learn more about the mysterious mod and find out whether it’s the right vape for you! |
21 April 2016  We’ve got vaper’s tongue...in a jar on our desk. We’re kidding (or are we?), but you should still be afraid of this blight on all vapers! |